
A poem

Grace Moore
1 min readFeb 1, 2018
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Well, hey
if we’re meant for burn out, anyways
if I am firework,
and you are smoking tinder,
close to flame
if we are going to burn
let me be Fourth of July
a firework finale
and you can be
summer bonfire
And if we are going to
and burn
and burn
let’s do it together
throw my fireworks into
your flame
let’s start a wildfire
let us become
scorched earth

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Grace Moore is a writer and the author of the poetry collection When We Were Lifeboats. Her interests include baking, reading, and doing any activity that involves supplies from the craft store. She lives in Washington with her husband, where they can often be found discussing Doctor Who in-depth. Follow her on Instagram for more writing and future project updates.



Grace Moore

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: