Grace Moore
Feb 11, 2021


February 11th Writing Check-in. Happy Thursday! I hope everyone is having a good day. That snow I mentioned yesterday hasn’t made itself known yet, but it’s supposed to start sometime later this afternoon or evening. So we’ll see!

Our writing check-in questions for the day:

1. Did you meet your writing goal for yesterday?

2. What is your writing goal for today?

My goal for yesterday was to write for at least 10 minutes, which I did. I worked on my novel project. If you’re following me on Instagram, you’ll see that I made a post going into a little more detail of what it’s about. Today my goal is to do at least another 10 minutes of writing.

Let me know how your goals are coming along! Good luck!



Grace Moore

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: