2018 Resolutions For My Business and Creative Life

Grace Moore
4 min readJan 12, 2018

Look, I’m not a big fan of resolutions.

Every year, I make a few, and every year I either a) forget about them or b) try for a while and then give up. And I know it’s not just me, but that doesn’t make me feel like any less of a failure for not being able to stick to my resolutions.

But since I’m either insane or extremely optimistic (Then again, aren’t those the same thing?) I’m going to make a few resolutions this year. I want to focus on setting goals that have to do with my creative life, since at this moment…



Grace Moore

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: ko-fi.com/gracemoore