10 months into the pandemic

Day 2 of 31 days of poetry

Grace Moore
2 min readAug 2, 2021

it is January again, still.
How many people will die today?
I am trying to crawl out of my skin
again. I have been picking
at my edges for days
looking for a place
where my nails can
dig in, find a place to
hold on and pull
pull it all back so I can

get out.
If there was somewhere to go
I would go there
instead I am laying on the bed,
the floor, looking for a way
to shed this skin.
How many people have died today?

it is 2 am and I am dancing
in my kitchen
to free the skin, free
the skin, free me from
my skin. Pull it all back
and leave it behind
leave it to burn
with the rest.
How many people will die today?



Grace Moore

Learning to do this writer thing and sharing as I go. Poetry, CNF, mental health, and too many other interests. Support: ko-fi.com/gracemoore